Newspaper clipping of SGA vehicles

 SGA CIT, Tanzania shines again in the Top 100 Mid-Sized Companies in 2019

November, 2019


In the wake of an increased crime at global scale, fear has mounted within the business community. To relieve the situation, we need strong security companies that would stand as “an umbrella” covering busi­ness operations against all potential risks. Among other firms, SGA CIT has proven beyond the comparison as the most established Valuables and Cash Management Solutions Company in Tanzania. This year, SGA CIT participated to the Top 100 campaign, being their third appearance and managed to be among the Top 40. Managing Director at SGA CIT, Eric Sambu shared with us about the com­pany’s profile, functions and bit of Top 100 experience.


The leading valuables and cash management solutions company in the country, SGA, is among the com­panies feted recently for being ranked among the top 20 in the recent Top100 survey

The company serves all the banks in the country and the entire East­ern African region. It provides secure transportation of valuables especial­ly cash, commonly known as Cash In Transit (CIT) service. In addition, it provides ATM replenishment ser­vices, bank teller services, custodial services, cash processing services and courier services.

The company recently launched courier services to complement its successful business lines and give more value to its customers. Its logis­tics covers the entire country, and they have invested heavily as orange vehi­cles can be spotted across all towns nationally.

They work closely with police to ensure that the consignments are secure and they are insured by rep­utable insurances companies, led by Lloyds of London, to minimize poten­tial risks. With every 100 shillings you have, chances are that 85 shillings of that came through SGA CIT. The company is part of the SGA Securi­ty Group, which has operated in East Africa for 50 years now.

SGA is a household name in security solutions and it is the oldest pri­vate security company in Tanzania (35 years old), presently employs over 5,700 Tanzanians based in their sites countrywide. It provides a range of services that includes manned guard­ing, electronic security solutions, and emergency response services, tracking solutions, courier and cash manage­ment solutions.

“With a fleet of 222 vehicles and 12 established regional bases with fully-fledged control rooms and moti­vated personnel to man all these, we have the necessary infrastructure to support all customers anywhere in the country,” Mr. Eric Sambu, the Managing Director said. “We trans­port millions, thousands of kilometers daily. We literally go the extra mile for our customers, while contributing immensely to the economy,” he added.

The company upholds international standards, being ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001:2018 certified and in the final stages of ISO 18788 certification on Security Operations Management System. SGA is a mem­ber of several international associa­tions in related business.  

With the launched Customer Ser­vice Charter, the company believes that it has developed a new zeal to ensure that customers and all stake­holders receive the attention they deserve at all times. SGA Custom­er Relations Manager, Ms Aikande Makere, explained that the standard is based on Reliability, accountabili­ty, fairness, flexibility and integrity, in our engagement. “We appreciate all the customers who have been loyal to us in spite the challenging business environment,” she added.

The Head of Cash Management, Rashid Kawawa explained that CIT operation is a highly technical and sensitive area. He hinted that SGA has succeeded because of the integrity of their staff. “Our staff is well trained and motivated to do a good job for our customers,” he added. He urged all business to entrust cash manage­ment to professional companies and avoid obvious risks of handling cash. “We bring the banks to your business premises. Just tell us you banker and we shall bring them to your doorstep,” Mr. Kawawa urged.

What is hard to secure in one of these days?

I would say people, because they are unpredictable most of the time. As Security Company, you are required to track every movement done by people in an entrance and exit on daily basis. For example, in the supermarkets, security devices are sometimes delu­sional, they can show you something that is hard to physically find it or vice versa, yet in the long run you discov­ered a thief came in and stole the cash. Therefore, securing supermarkets is a vexed question in the contemporary world.

How does SGA CIT keep up with pace of technology?'

We have forged ahead in the endeav­or, coupled by diversities of the high-tech solutions that we offer to our corporate clients. We install door-to-door sensors that sends information the recipient of whoever or whichev­er passes through each door at real-time. The uptake of the technology is there however the cost of acquisition becomes a can of worms.

Tell us experience of the Top 100

The first time we participated we were positioned at 64, and then moved couple of steps ahead to 46, and third appearance clinched to 30, this gives us an immense feeling that next time we might be among the top winners considering our recent ascending trend. We have the desire to surpass the level we are trailing on and join the club 101 in the future.


What could be the benefits of the Top 100 campaign?

The use of the Top 100 brings sense of belongingness of the participants. Besides the logo, Mid-sized compa­nies enjoy an outstanding network­ing and synergies garnered from the event that will stimulate growth of the companies. Credits to the organizers because we have come to realize that half of participants are also our cus­tomers.

-Source: The Citizen, Tanzania



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